Certified Data Vault Modelers
The following people have completed the CDVDM seminar class and scored at a mastery level on the CDVDM certification exam.
We list only those consultants names and companies who have earned certification and wish to have their public information displayed here. There are certified individuals and employees who have opted to not be listed.
Further, all persons listed in this section have agreed to communicate clearly to all customers and partners (and other parties) the core fundamentals of the Data Vault in a manner consistent with Genesee Academy materials, Data Vault & Ensemble Modeling, the Data Vault Pillars (below) and also in a manner consistent with the Bill Inmon DW2.0 definitions of the data warehouse and the EDW.
To confirm that your model is compliant with these and other related best practices, please contact us directly to review and assess your Data Vault data model.
The Data Vault Pillars include:
Data Vault Models are built entirely upon Hubs, Links and Satellites
Data Vault Hubs and Links contain no descriptive attributes
Satellites contain all descriptive attributes (all context, details) and all History (time slice values)
Data Vault Hubs contain no Foreign Keys
Satellites contain one-and-only-one Foreign Key (for the Hub to which it is attached)
All relationships represented in a Data Vault are manifest through Link Tables
Satellites can attach directly to one-and-only-one Hub
Data Vault Hubs and Links all use a Sequence ID for a primary key
Certified Data Vault Models
To companies and customers who have had their Data Vault Models "CERTIFIED" by us through our Model Certification Process. If you are interested in having your Data Vault model certified, please contact Hans@GeneseeAcademy.com for details. Certified models will carry our guarantee that the benefits of the Data Vault will be realized - including full auditability, lower TCO, adaptability, and the ability to scale.
Centennium's Antoine Stelma and Nutreco
Certified Data Vault Model, June 2009
The FIRST Certified Data Vault Model. They have done a tremendous job defining and setting the standard by which all other Certified Data Vault Models will be evaluated. They are the worlds FIRST organizations to have completed successfully a Data Vault Model certification. We are proud to grant them this distinction which sets them apart from the competition.
Ronald Damhof and RDW (Governmental Vehicle Administration)
Certified Data Vault Model, January 2010
The FIRST Government based certified Data Vault Model. They have provided a wonderful data vault model that meets all Data Vault modeling standards. Ronald Damhof is our Grand Master in the Netherlands, and assists us with many different facets of Data Vault Modeling and Consulting.
Special Mention
To individuals who helped bring the Data Vault to the public, or have shown high quality Data Vault consulting efforts in the past.
Claudia ImhoffCalla KnopmanScott CrownoverKrish Krishnan
Bill InmonJeff JonasBruce McCartneyAntoine Stelma
Clive FinklesteinBonnie O'NealChuck KelleyTom Breur
Stephen BrobstBob SeinerKent GrazianoErik Fransen
Certified Data Vault Grand Master
Ronald Damhof in the Netherlands is authorized as a Certified Data Vault Grand Master. We work with Ronald to provide assessments, consulting services, and training engagements.
Certified Data Vault Masters
These consultants have been working with the Data Vault for more than 5 years, and have achieved special status with us, as we have seen their work in the industry, along with their presentations and papers to user groups.
Kent Graziano
Kevin Goodfellow
Juan-Jose Van Der Linden
Ben Isenhour
Dan Sullivan
Maarten Ketelaars
James Raper
Bill Inmon
Linda Myerkord
Mike Bush
Michael Doves
Martijn Evers
Lowell Fryman
Lars Boström
Remco Broekmans
Tjaart Riekert